

I Speak


My name is Janine, and my soul is named I-in.

I was born on the 19 August, in the year of the fire goat as a Leo with Libra as my ascendant Moon in Aquarius.

As a child, I was empathetic and predictive. I have always been searching for deeper meaning in life and have never stopped. I was always a very wild and free spirit, which once in a while had to be tamed – to become more humble and grateful in life. I’ve been deeply spiritual with a strong belief in God ever since.

My spiritual path began when I started meditating at a young age. Later on, I learned to do Yoga and I got more and more into spirituality. But the deeper I followed my path, the more I faced complex challenges in my life. It didn’t make me leave my way; no, it actually led me to move further on the spiritual path as I could feel that it was my mission. I have traveled all around the world visited many places and mixed with all different kinds of people. I always felt the longing to understand their lives and suffering.

I had a lot of experiences in love especially when I was younger. Later on in my life, two different relationships influenced my life greatly, with particular challenges such as multiculturalism and a substantial age difference. It wasn’t always easy, but thanks to these relationships I have learned my lessons and now I feel I am an expert on relationships.

In my working career, I experienced various positions as an employee and an entrepreneur. One of my biggest passions is my work as a Tarot coach working in one of the world’s largest internet portals, where I had many valuable experiences, especially counseling people from all around the world in their relationships.


In my working career, I experienced various positions as an employee and an entrepreneur. One of my biggest passions is my work as a Tarot coach working in one of the world’s largest internet portals, where I had many valuable experiences, especially counseling people from all around the world in their relationships.

All of my different life experiences have led me to where I am now. Living in Asia for many years is where I feel a strong connection and have experienced greater spiritual growth, which has inspired my work profoundly. Daily yoga and meditations, Tao healing rituals, and prayers give me the power to have a clear view and to be able to look into my spiritual depths.

I am happy that inspiring mentors have accompanied me on my ways, such as His Holiness Sri Ramana Maharshi, J. Krishnamurti, Ramesh Balsekar, and Thich Nhat Hanh.

​In addition to the great classical spiritual works, I have been studying a lot about quantum physics and the law of attraction—this knowledge I use in my coaching, sessions, and readings.

Due to my high perception, my gift to connect with people’s feelings, my big heart and love for humanity as well as my many experiences, it is my vocation and duty to work as a life coach, healer, and spiritual teacher.

All is one. I believe we are all connected. Nothing happens without God’s will. The way of our lives has already been written and follows the divine order. My mission is to awaken you, your heart and soul, and to unite humanity and divinity within you.

I am…

  • Intuitive Life Coach: I offer personal and spiritual coaching to support you with crisis and stress management
  • Tarot Card Reader: Whether you’re facing small or significant challenges, I provide guidance for decisions in love and relationships, career and business, family, health, and spirituality
  • Astrological Life Coach: My skills in astrology allow me to deepen my understanding of my clients’ needs
  • Psychic: With heightened perception, empathy, and clairaudience, I connect soul-to-soul and heart-to-heart, offering compassionate, comforting insight
  • Spiritual Teacher:  I provide teachings and advice on a range of spiritual topics, particularly meditation and healing practices
  • Holistic Healer: My natural healing methods include meditation, mantra, mudras, pranayama, mindfulness techniques, Tao healing, mental healing by Clemens Kuby, EFT (Emotional Freedom Tapping), quantum healing, invocation prayers and ceremonies by Anton Styger, as well as blessings, protection practices, forgiveness, gratitude rituals, affirmations, chakra cleansing, and other healing methods
  • Energy Transmitter: I transmit the energy of unconditional love to enhance health and well-being, offering distance healing for various issues and providing blessings
  • Motivational Speaker: My empowering talks help you stay positive and focused on your personal growth
  • Philanthropist: It is my calling to promote the welfare of others, recognizing that we are all interconnected
  • Universal Servant of Humanity: I am honored to serve as a divine vessel, dedicated to helping humanity
  • Lifelong Student: I am committed to ongoing learning through life’s experience
  • Ambassador of Love: I am devoted to spreading love wherever I go, starting with self-love
  • Freedom Fighter: I am unwavering in my commitment to uphold the universal right to soul freedom

Client Love

Message www.janine-wolf.com on WhatsApp. https://www.janine-wolf.com/about/
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